Downhaul Tool HD With Integr. Philips Head
Rig your sail, tighten your footstraps and tweak your fins with this high-quality, versatile downhaul tool with integrated phillips head.
Pros & Cons
- Heavy Duty use
- Philips Head Screw driver function
- Philips Head Screw driver to kept away from salt water as it will corrode over time
- Not easy to carry in clothing pocket
Looking for a specific product specification?
Check out an extensive overview of all the available specifications.
- What does 1 Year Unconditional + 1 Year Conditional warranty cover?
- Warranty is valid 2 years after date of purchase. When making a warranty claim in the first year the product is unconditionally warranted. When making a warranty claim in the 2nd year the product must have clearly suffered from a manufacturer error.